Luxury is obtainable.
First, you need to accept that you deserve the best things this world could
offer. You may have no job or no means to earn income right now. You may be up
to your neck with debts which makes you financially broke at the moment. All these do not really matter. If you
believe that you are worthy of getting the finest luxuries, everything else
would follow. It’s basically how you redefine the term to make it attainable.
Luxury is comfort. Comfortability
is one of the keys that would help you define your lifestyle. You may own a
posh condo in Cubao but if you’re workplace is in Cavite, the whole concept of comfortability would
certainly take a new meaning. It would automatically be redefined to staying in
an apartment that is within walking distance from your place of work. On the
contrary, say you grew up in the Cubao area and spent your high school and
college there, and every time you’d think about the place, it would bring you
only happy memories. Then, keeping a Cubao condominium certainly makes
sense, doesn’t it?
Luxury is quality. Most people have this wrong notion that extravagance is
equal to quality. Not necessarily. At one point, it’s true that some of the
most expensive things have the best features. However, would you prefer an
all-expense paid world cruise if it would mean you’re going alone and not have
your significant other with you? Would you choose a five-figure job at the
expense of your health?
Luxury is pleasure. This
is the main point of luxury living. It is meant to give pleasure. What pleases
you? The ability to love and be loved? The freedom to do whatever you like?
Remember that your experiences contribute to your pleasurable journey in this
world. It’s just a matter of making each experience count.